Legal Notice
You are currently connected to the official website of Olympique Gymnaste Club de Nice Côte d'Azur,
a société anonyme sportive professionnelle (public limited professional sports company) with a capital of 5,718,204.24 euros, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nice under the number 404 115 198,
Intracommunity VAT Number: FR 30404 115 198,
APE Code: 9312Z
whose headquarters are located at: 19, boulevard Jean Luciano, 06200 NICE
Telephone: 04 93 71 93 52 – fax: 04 93 18 06 79
Email: mongymmafamille@ogcnice.com
Coproduction OGC Nice x KICK OFF PROD
5, rue Antoine Gautier
06300 Nice
publication director
Jean-Pierre Rivère, in his role as President
Chief editor
Laurent Oreggia, Media Director.
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OGC NICE can have cause to modify its legal notices at any moment. The user therefore agrees to consult them regularly.