Endowment Fund
Place the club’s community engagement at the heart of its development and make a difference in the lives of those Azuréens in need; that is the aim of the OGC Nice Endowment Fund.
OGC Nice is not only a leading club in Ligue 1. It is also a major player in the Côte d'Azur region. OGC Nice has been active since the early 2000s and in 2011, under the impetus of new president Jean-Pierre Rivère, intensified and structured its civic commitment by focusing its efforts on two major causes: "Children" and "Proximity".
Proximity, by helping all those in need: providing meals for those in the Nice community most in need, collecting food, clothes and toys at the Allianz Riviera, organising the Employment Forum, and drives for giving blood...
Children, by supporting and accompanying children in difficulty and their families on a daily basis: visits to hospitals, support and coaching for mentally and physically handicapped youngsters, surprise visits of players, support for children's aid charities... Everything is put in place to help these families in their times of need.
Each area has its own flagship programmes. Among them: "Gym Solidarity", "Employment Forum", "Give Rouge & Noir Blood" for Proximity, "Lenval Wednesdays", "Children without Pain", "You+Me=OGC Nice" for Children.
"We are fully aware that a football club has an important social role to play," reminds Jean-Pierre Rivère, President of OGC Nice. "Every year, we carry out 500 solidarity actions, away from the cameras most of the time."
Wishing to continue to grow its citizen programme, OGC Nice created its Endowment Fund in 2018. "We wanted to go further, to have an even greater impact," explains Jean-Pierre Rivère. "The creation of our Endowment Fund was the logical next step."
Thanks to this new tool, Le Gym has been attracting extra external funds since 2018 by involving private partners and the general public who share the Club's values. "With their support and trust, OGC Nice will have additional means to be even more useful for all those in need, and to put smiles on their faces, to bring them comfort, but also solutions to their problems," says Le Gym President.
An investment getting recognised
The club’s commitment to its community has been recognised in the form of three awards it has received in recent years:
- ‘FDJ Together for disabilities Prize’: The FDJ, the FFF, and the LFP awarded OGC Nice the ‘Special Jury Prize’ for its operation Special OGC Nice: En Route for Los Angeles 2015 organised in association with Special Olympics France.
- ‘The Philippe Séguin Trophy’: The FondaCtion of Football awarded OGC Nice the ‘Professional Club Prize’ for the ‘Children’ element of its community project Special OGC Nice: En Route for Los Angeles 2015, and Gym Solidarity in 2015.

Fonds de dotation OGC Nice
19 boulevard Jean Luciano
06201 Nice
Email: fondsdedotation@ogcnice.com
- Facebook : facebook.com/FondsDeDotationOGCNice
- Twitter : twitter.com/fdd_ogcnice
- Instagram : instagram.com/fondsdedotationogcnice